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Copyright, Fair Use,  Public Domain, and Creative Commons
Country Exchange
Global Education & Online Etiquette

This unit was implement to encourage global education.  It combines the study of geography and 21st century learning skills. Students are asked to determine how geography affects culture.  Students participate in an authentic learning experience as they are able to exchange email using the ePals platform with students from the countries they are studying. This unit addresses the importance of appropriate online etiquette and supports a positive digital identity. The unit was executed in collaboration with my colleague, Sarah Stolfi.  Students enjoyed researching and learning about their countries, and sharing their learning with their ePals.

Finding information and media is very easy on the Internet.  However, everything that is published on the Internet is copryright. In this unit, students will learn how to respect the work of others and obey copyright law. This unit provides online materials and resources to help both teachers and students adhere to copyright law.  This unit was written in collaboration with my colleague, Tim Flanagan.

This unit encourages global education and is an example of integrating technology in authentic learning.  It introduces students to the issue of  illiteracy  in developing countries. Students create a campaign to make others aware. This unit is written in UDL format and includes modifications to help meet the learning needs of all students.

Evaluating the veracity of websites is an essential New Literacy skill that our students need to practice in order for them to become Internet literate. In this lesson students practice evaluating websites by using the  5Ws of website evaluation.

Global Literacy Awareness
5Ws of Website Evaluation

Instructional Units

Teaching important skills and concepts for the 21st century learner.

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